You're a Pioneer
Pioneers approach life with an "anything is possible!" attitude.
Visioning and shaping a scalable future is always the highest priority.
Their strategic military thinking makes them incredibly effective at aligning people, systems, and resources.
Winning is a massive driver. They hate to give up and will drive their team long after others would have given up.
They are powerful communicators, using logic and rationality to provide an attractive and compelling vision of the future.
The immature Pioneer can often appear very arrogant with a "me focused" agenda.
They quickly dismiss the contributions of those they don't believe to be competent or experienced.
Champion of
What to watch out for
Pioneers lack sensitivity, can be unwilling to listen, and perceived as arrogant.
How to empower them
Don't worry -- they empower themselves. Just affirm their competence.
Your Voice Order
Your foundational Voice is Pioneer. The Pioneer Voice is the champion of strategic vision, results, and problem-solving, which we explained in more detail in the previous section. This is your strongest Voice through which you view the world, and the Voice through which all other Voices are expressed.
Your secondary Voice is Creative. The Creative Voice is the most future-oriented voice, and is the champion of new ideas, innovation, and integrity.
In the 5 Voices model, the secondary Voice plays a crucial role in how you express your overall “Voice”, which is why your Voice combination is referred to as “Pioneer Creative”.
Your Creative Voice is highly adept at seeing and visioning a future that doesn’t yet exist, and it is expressed through the lens of your foundational Pioneer Voice. This means that you leverage the Creative Voice’s insights, vision, and ability to see threats and opportunities to develop innovative strategies that help you win as a Pioneer. The combination of these two Voices as your top two strengths means that you are extremely future-oriented with a strong bent towards strategy and winning, which allows you to stay 3 moves ahead of your opponent.