You're a Creative
Creatives are the conceptual architects and love to think outside the box.
They function as an “early warning radar system” for teams, often seeing the opportunities and dangers long before everyone else.
They are never satisfied with the status quo - they inherently believe things can always be better.
If the vision is compelling the word “can’t” is not in their vocabulary.
They exhibit a strong social conscience and desire for personal and organizational integrity.
They often struggle with the fact that "people never seem to fully understand my ideas."
Being internal perfectionists, they can often fail to celebrate the 90% that has been achieved, focusing instead on the 10% that hasn’t!
Champion of
What to watch out for
Creatives can struggle to communicate effectively and have idealistic, perfectionistic tendencies.
How to empower them
Don't judge them on what they say first, help them communicate their ideas. Let them know it's ok to be wrong sometimes.
Your Voice Order
Your foundational Voice is Creative. The Creative Voice is the champion of future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity, which we explained in more detail in the previous section. This is your strongest Voice through which you view the world, and the Voice through which all other Voices are expressed.
Your secondary Voice is Pioneer. Pioneers are champions of strategic vision, results, and problem-solving.
In the 5 Voices model, the secondary Voice plays a crucial role in how you express your overall “Voice”, which is why your Voice combination is referred to as “Creative Pioneer”.
Your Pioneer Voice is highly adept at envisioning a compelling future, thinking strategically, and solving problems. It’s important to note that your Pioneer Voice is expressed through the lens of your Creative Voice, which means that you leverage the Pioneer Voice to shape your new ideas in a scalable and effective way. Applying the logical, rational filter of the Pioneer Voice, you are able to sift through and refine complex, abstract ideas to simple and powerful insights.
The combination of these Voices as your top two strengths means that you are extremely future-oriented, highly strategic, and love thinking outside the box. You have the ability to spot opportunities and threats before they happen, and enjoy architecting innovative solutions to solve complex problems.