The Connector

The Connector

You're a Connector

Connectors are persuasive and inspirational communicators - rallying people to causes and things they believe in.

They are incredibly resourceful - "Whatever we need, I can get it or I have a source."

They have the capacity to maintain a large number of relationships.

They know how to connect with people and their aspirations.

They need appreciation and credit for making key connections - "Are you aware of what I’ve done?"

Their people-pleasing tendencies mean they often struggle to bring effective challenge.

They often struggle to hear or engage fully with critical feedback.



11% of the population

11% of the population

Second Loudest Voice

Second Loudest Voice

Champion of

Relational networks, internal collaboration, and effective communication.

Relational networks, internal collaboration, and effective communication.

What to watch out for

Connectors always interpret challenge of their ideas as personal.

How to empower them

Give them time to share their ideas and passions, appreciate before you critique.

Your Voice Order




Your foundational Voice is Connector. The Connector Voice is a future-oriented Voice, and is the champion of relational networks, internal collaboration, and effective communication, which we explained in more detail in the previous section. This is your strongest Voice through which you view the world, and the Voice through which all other Voices are expressed.



Your secondary Voice is Creative. The Creative Voice is the champion of future ideas, innovation, and organizational integrity.

In the 5 Voices model, the secondary Voice plays a crucial role in how you express your overall “Voice”.

More specifically, your Creative Voice is expressed through the lens of your Connector Voice, and it reinforces the future-oriented perspective of your Connector. With Creative as your second Voice, you are great at developing a compelling, insightful, big-picture vision for the people you are rallying around you with your foundational Connector Voice. The ingenuity and innovative nature of your Creative Voice draws its insights from the experiences and relationships with the people around you. The more you learn about and connect with others, the richer your ideas, vision, and clarity for how to serve them becomes. Additionally, your people-oriented Connector Voice also leverages the Creative Voice to detect threats and opportunities in the future, especially as it relates to people and values.

The combination of these two Voices as your top two strengths means that you are always thinking about the future, you are very resourceful, you care deeply about people, and you are brilliant at connecting and rallying people to causes you believe in.